The Founder

Mr. Roshan Lal Arya Ji
Ved Prachar Mandal – A Brief Profile
The word “Veda” Originated from Sanskrit word “Vid” means – to know, perceive, understand, realise, and cognise. Vedas are the treasure troves containing spiritual knowledge encompassing all aspects of our life. The essence of Vedas is to regulate the social, legal, domestic and religious customs of human kind.
Ved Prachar Mandal, or VPM to be brief is, as its name suggests an organisation solely devoted to the task of propagating and promoting the eternal values and wisdom of the vedas among the masses. In 1993, an humble and dynamic youth Mr.Roshan Lal Arya realised that the Indian society in general, and the youth in particular was drifting towards the unethical and other evil ways under various foreign and indegenous influences. People were giving up their blissful ways of godliness and forgetting their ancient wisdom as enshrined in the Vedas and the Upanishads. He also realised that the situation was worsening with each passing day. Pained at that miserable scenario, Mr. Arya vowed to do all that he could, to change the situation through a sincere propagation of vedic culture, its values and moral concerns. Ved Prachar Mandal is an outcome of that pious vow, which took shape in 1993, when several like-minded persons joined him expressing their faith in his views and vision.
Since 1993, the VPM is going from strength to strength as more and more individuals and families are joining it. The VPM on its part is trying to inculcate the vedic virtues in people through Havans and Satsang being perfomed as per vedic injunctions. All sections of society and all age-groups are joining this organization with keen interest and enthusiasm. There are more than 500 members enrolled under VPM and they came from Ludhiana and other parts of Punjab.
In order to achieve its goal the VPM has prepared a comprehensive sequence of various Kriyas and Mantras which help in performing the Yagya in a proper vedic manner. Each mantra is explained in Hindi so that the person reciting them, can know what he/she is doing and why. This rational and pragmatic manner of performing Havan is adding more and more persons to the fold of VPM. What is more, the VPM makes no money out of this holy task. VPM is purely non-profit NGO.
Events At Ved Prachar Mandal
Apart from performing Havans at the places of people, the VPM holds Intra and Inter school and college programs like Shabad-Bhajan competitions, Declamation contests, and debates in which a large number of schools, colleges, and other institutes of higher learning participate with great interest. So far such contests/competitions have been held throughout Punjab. Alongwith such intellectual and spiritual programs, the VPM holds free homeopathic, dental and eyes camps in rural and slum areas. In these camps competent, experienced and committed doctors examine patients and give them medicines free of cost.
Vision Of Ved Prachar Mandal
The vision of VPM is vast. Now we propose to work for the eradication of the evil of drug-addiction and school drop-outs in Punjab.
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