Life Style With Vedas

What are Vedas an introduction ?
The vedas are universally acclaimed as the most authentic, original and the oldest documents of human wisdom. It is difficult to establish their date of composition, precisely. For, the vedas are the sum total of the human wisdom on almost all subjects under the sun and all aspects of the human life in its variety. The vedic literature, which is in the form of maxims and mantras in sanskrit, bind the hindu society in such a way that they remain bound since birth to their death-and even after death. The laws, rules and the rituals enshrined in the vedas touch every aspect of human life. They are supposed to be the source of spiritual, intellectual, cultural, and social evolution of man. The western philosophers and scholars like Max Mular have thrown enough light on their all round significance in our life.

What are Upanishads ?
The word Upanishad is a sanskrit combination of two words – Upa + Nishad. The Upanishads are an edited collection of texts which provide the theoretical basis for hindu religious beliefs. The Upanishads are also called the Vedanta which means “The end of the veda”. Hindus generally believe that the Upanishads contain the truth about the nature and form of the ultimate reality that is Brahma (God). They also describe the ways for attaining salvation(Moksha) by human beings. Most of the Upanishads have come down to us in oral tradition.
It is believed that there are more than 200 Upanishads. Out of them 18 are considered to be the main. It is believed that the main Upanishads date back to 6th century B.C. upto the end of the Maurya period. The Bhagwat Gita and the Bramhasutra, together with the Upanishads form the foundation form the Monistic schools of Hinduism.
Indeed the Upanishads, taken collectively, are considered among the most influential 100 books ever written by human beings. Many great writers and thinkers have praised them profusely for their wisdom.

What is Havan ?
What is happiness and sorrow? Wealth, power, pleasures and other worldly joys do not constitute true happiness! Even disease, old-age, poverty and death cannot be classed as sorrow. Real sorrow lies in forgetting God: whereas the mere thought of Him is true happiness.
Every man, who has faith in Vedic Culture, is enjoined to perform five Yajnas daily. These are dealt in detail by Maharishi Dayanand Saraswati in his famous book “Panch Mahayajnavidhi”. One of the yajnas is “Deva-Yajna” which is commonly called “Havan”. The Havan should be performed twice daily-morning and evening.
If and when it is not possible to perform it in the evening, offerings relating to both times should be made in the morning itself. The Havan has been described in detail in our scriptures as it has manyfold significance. The primary function is to change the atmosphere. The ritualistic offering of pure Ghee into the flames of Havan-Kund together with many varities of herbs and roots of varied fragrance, not only change and purify the atmosphere but also destroy germs, insects and harmful elements around us.
This has also been confirmed by the scientists that this smoke, that arises from the sacred fire, has been rightly endowed by the wide sages with the properties that cause the formation of rain clouds and bring showers to the lands. In the yajna, the lighting of the fire, the offering of the oblation of Ghee and the mixture of herbs and roots is of great importance. Through this media of yajna, we invoke the Divine Cosmic powers, thank them for their benevolence and pray for their continued blessngs. With these rituals we convey our devotion to the Divine Lord.
We are blessed by Almighty God mainly through the medium of cosmic powers. It is therefore our duty to pay homage to them in our humble way. The oblation offered during the yajna are symbolic of our submission to the Lord. For “that which is dear to us we offer Thee O Lord, it is yours and not mine at all”. The mantras become meaningful and gain significance only when recited with such humility and total submission at the feet of the Divine Lord.
In order to systematise the weekly services, it has become necessary to have a suitable prayer book containing a collection of hymns and mantras of the Sandhyaa, Ishwar Upaasanaa and the Havan in both Hindi and English. This book is intended to serve this need and it is hoped that it will be found to be useful and in keeping with present-day requirements. Institutions, conducting services, will, we believe, find this book helpful.

Eeshwara Upaasanaa
O Lord, the Creator of the Universe ! May thou remove from us our evil desires and lead us to the path of goodness and rectitude. When this entire universe was in a state of dissolution even then thou were the Lord and the Master. Thereafter thou madest the various planets and stars and controlled them by thy eternal physical laws. Thy creation is, indeed, remarkable. It is with thy power that thou art the king of this physical as well as metaphysical world. We submit all our desires and aspirations unto thee for their fulfilment.
O Master of all the worlds ! There is none other than thee who is the Controller and Sustainer of this Universe. Thou to our Mother, Father and Friend. By attaining Thee great souls have been able to liberate themselves from the miseries of life. May thou destroy in us all sinful urges and intentions and thereby uplift and illuminate our souls.
With all humility and devotion we salute thee.

Ten Pillars of Noble Life
1. The first cause of all true knowledge and all that is known through knowledge is Parameshvara(God).
2. God is existent, intelligent and blissful. God is formless, omniscient, merciful, unborn, endless, unchangeable, beginningless, unequalled, the supports of all, master of all, omnipresent, immanent, unaging, immortal, fearless, eternal, holy and the maker of all. God alone is worthy of being worshipped.
3. The vedas are the scriptures of all true knowledge. It is the paramount duty of all Aryans to read them, teach them, recite them, and hear them being read.
4. One should always be ready to accept truth and give up untruth.
5. One should do everything according to the dictates of dharma, i.e. after due reflection over right and wrong.
6. Doing good to whole world is the primary object of this society i.e. to look to its physical, spiritual and social welfare.
7. Let thy dealing with all be regulated by love and justice, in accordance with the dictates of dharma.
8. One should promote Vidya and dispel Avidya.
9. One should not be content with one’s own welfare alone, but should look for one’s welfare in the welfare of all.
10. One should regard one’s self under restriction to follow all truistic rules of society, while in following rules of individual welfare all should be free.

Aims and Objectives ?
The aims & objectives of Ved Prachar Mandal are all round development of the individual. Through the individual a spiritual transformation of the society. Inculcating in people respect for Vedic values and sanskaras. A life without vices like anger greed jealousy and ill-will. To achieve these goals the practice of yagna as and citation of Vedic hymns and prayers. In short the ved Prachar Mandal aims at transforming the society by transforming the individual through the ancient Vedic means and mantras.
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